Why Choose An ABBA Registered Alapaha?

Finding the right Alapaha puppy for your family is a big deal. Your new family companion will be a lifelong commitment. It's important to choose puppy that will fit into your family's lifestyle and vibe with your personality. Finding a responsible breeder that only breeds purebred Alapahas helps to ensure that you get a dog with predictable characteristics like temperament, drive and size.  Over the past decade, we have seen way too many breeders with Create-A-Breed registry papers come and go! In most cases, after they realize there's no money to be made they pack their bags and find something else to scam on! Just take some time to do your own investigating. It won't take long, just go to the some of the 'Create-A-Breed' websites and you'll see for yourself that registering any kind of dog as an Alapaha is possible, except with the ABBA. Call them and ask them their procedures for registering a dog and you'll be very surprised to find out that at the least you can create a pedigree for what ever you'd like! Yes, during the conversation they'll start their rumors and politics but in the end you'll get papers for a dog that doesn't have any Alapaha heritage!

You can not predict what you are getting with create-a-breed registries and novice breeders. Over the past decade, we have seen way too many breeders with Create-A-Breed registry papers come and go! In most cases, after they realize there's no money to be made they pack their bags and find something else to scam on! Just take some time to do your own investigating. It won't take long, just go to the some of the 'Create-A-Breed' websites and you'll see for yourself that registering any kind of dog as an Alapaha is possible, except with the ABBA. Call them and ask them their procedures for registering a dog and you'll be very surprised to find out that at the least you can create a pedigree for what ever you'd like! Yes, during the conversation they'll start their rumors and politics but in the end you'll get papers for a dog that doesn't have any Alapaha heritage!

 The ABBA is the only  breed club that requires it's breeders to mandatory DNA test all breeding stock. To register your dog or litter ABBA,  both parents must be DNA tested by the DDC Diagnostics & Veterinary. The ABBA is the only breed club where Heritage Matters.  The Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Association is the only breed club that DNA test it's Alapahas to ensure the integrity of the breed.

Alapahabluebloodbulldog.org  is the official registry service for the ABBA. We only register ABBA breed bulldogs.

The ABBA( Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Assoication is the official founding registry and breed club for Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog in the World.


Need Help finding a certified ABBA Alapaha Bulldog Breeder?

The Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Registry has certified breeders across the USA and abroad. The breeders listed on this site are Approved ABBA breeders and are in good standing with the Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Assoiciation.

Photo Courtesy Of Texas Outback Kennels/ Ken Roberson

alapaha blue-blood bulldog puppies

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Alapahas are love

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All puppies listed are from our certified breeders. Want to be a cerified Breeder see our qualifications



ABBA North-Eastern Region Alapaha Bash  October 2019

Interview with Alan Scott by Casey Couturier

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Interview with Alan Scott by Casey Couturier

INTRODUCTION To prepare for this interview, I visited the homeland of the American Bulldog in the Sand Mountain area of Alabama, and with the assistance of Mr. Darrin Jones, was able to locate and interview Mr. Alan Scott, Mr. W. C. Bailey and Mr. Jack Tate. A letter from Mr. Scott received after my visit […]

August 11, 1993 Interview with Lana Lue Lane by R.T. Coleman

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August 11, 1993 Interview with Lana Lue Lane by R.T. Coleman

INTRODUCTION: I called Ms. Lane early morning on August 11, 1993 at approximately 8:23 am. She answered the phone after a few rings with her usual southern drawl, "Haallo". I greeted her good morning and she did the same. I introduced myself not knowing if she had remembered my voice (She sounded a little droggy). […]

interview with Johnson D Johnson by David D Jackson

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interview with Johnson D Johnson by David D Jackson

INTRODUCTION: I was very surprised when Casey asked me to do an interview with John D. Johnson because Casey and I have not seen exactly eye to eye on all issues concerning American bulldogs. I feel strongly, however, that we should all pull together for the betterment of the breed and that we should share […]

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